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Nassau County bill aims to direct more contracts to veteran businesses
Published on 12/05/2014

Nassau County Legislator Laura Curran (D-Baldwin) is sponsoring the Veteran Owned Business Act, which would direct more county contracts to veterans and active-duty service members who own local businesses.

The County has a similar program in place to assist minority (MBEs) and women-owned business enterprises (WBEs) when bidding on county contracts and the new bill is modeled after this program.

Under the bill, all county agencies and departments that contract out work would be required to report the efforts made to hire veteran-owned businesses, and the results of those efforts, to the Legislature each year. Curran and her supporters believe that this will boost job opportunities for veterans. In addition, the county's Veterans Service Agency would be required to create a directory of certified veteran-owned businesses and a database of programs and information that support those businesses and provide guidance when needed.

According to Curran, it should be easier for veteran contractors to cut through the red tape that sometimes surrounds the County contracting process with this information more readily available.

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