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Division of Supplier Diversity legislation reintroduced in New York State Senate
Published on 01/30/2019

New York State Senator Brad Hoylman has reintroduced the New York State Supplier Diversity Act (last introduced in 2016) to the current session of the state senate. The bill would establish a Division of Supplier Diversity within the Office of General Services, which would be responsible for ensuring contracting opportunity access in state procurement for businesses owned by veterans, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities.

The new Division created by the bill would have mechanisms for certifying such businesses, providing a directory of certified businesses to the public, and "ensuring equal access to contracting opportunities" for those businesses. The Division would also be charged with collecting information in furtherance of its purpose, assist other state agencies in developing similar programs within their own ranks, develop mechanisms for adjudicatory hearings, establish reporting systems, and the like.

The bill additionally provides for the Division performing its own certifications, as well as allowing for acceptance of certifications from the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and the United States Business Leadership Network. The bill does not directly establish a set-aside program but directs the commissioner of the office of general services to conduct a study towards a determination as to whether or not set-asides should be instituted.

There is currently a Democratic majority in the New York State Senate, which bodes well for the bill's chances of passage into law. The bill's provisions would expire after a period of five years, if passed.

To read the New York State Supplier Diversity Act, visit https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2019/s49

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