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NYC Mayor signs executive order in support of MWBE utilization
Published on 07/30/2020

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has signed an executive order including a number of measures designed to increase utilization of minority- and woman-owned businesses (M/WBEs) in City contracting, and also announced a series of new programs with the Taskforce on Racial Inclusion and Equity which will provide support to MBEs.

The order increases MWBE opportunities by: expanding the pool of contracts subject to the M/WBE program; establishing a Chief Diversity MWBE Officer in all City agencies; encourages all City agencies to procure goods, services, and construction from M/WBEs for amounts up to $500,000; increases oversight for high-value projects; ensures City agencies set M/WBE participation goals on COVID-19-related contracts; and requires every City agency that is conducting procurement in response to the State of Emergency to consider at least one quote from a M/WBE before awarding the contract.

In addition, the Taskforce on Racial Inclusion and Equity is being given a number of new tools, including: a case-management structure for proactively identifying Black- and Latinx-owned firms that can be matched with contracts will be developed; institutions such as universities, hospitals, and cultural centers will have resources to enable them to perform outreach to such firms; the City will recruit pro-bono business consultants which can assist such firms; and the City will also develop new mentorship networks for entrepreneurs and small businesses of color.

"With these programs, we're bringing business opportunities directly to diverse and talented New Yorkers who provide our City with a variety of goods and services," said Mayor de Blasio in a press release.

To learn more about New York City's new M/WBE initiatives, visit https://www1.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/news/553-20/mayor-de-blasio-signs-executive-order-support-minority-women-owned-business.

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