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Ohio launches Women-owned Business Enterprise program
Published on 11/02/2020

The Ohio Department of Administrative Services (DAS) has announced that on the first day of operations for its new Women-owned Business Enterprise (WBE) program, it has already certified 817 WBEs. The program became effective on October 9th, 2020.

Rather than being new applicants, those 817 newly-certified WBEs were already certified through DAS's existing Minority Business Enterprise and Encouraging Diversity, Growth and Equity programs. By reviewing existing documentation that had already been submitted, DAS was able to grant those 817 firms WBE status right away. New applicants will need to demonstrate that they are both owned and controlled by a woman. DAS is also in the process of establishing reciprocal certification procedures for states that maintain WBE programs with comparable certification requirements.

"We sincerely hope that this new certification program further strengthens Ohio's women-owned businesses by helping them to compete for more contracts in Ohio and across the country," said DAS Director Matt Damschroder in a statement.

Read more at https://das.ohio.gov/Portals/0/DASDivisions/DirectorsOffice/PressReleases/2020%20press%20releases/10-26-20%20WBE%20initial%20certifications.pdf?ver=vjEw-0ldUFIr1a1CP7bcuA%3d%3d

Visit DAS's homepage for its WBE program (complete with application documents and instructions) at https://das.ohio.gov/Divisions/Equal-Opportunity/Business-Certification/women-business-enterprise-WBE-program

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