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Erie County considers MWBE legislation
Published on 07/27/2021

Erie County is currently considering a new local law relating to minority- and woman-owned business enterprises (MWBEs). The bill, the Minority and Women Business Enterprise Equality and Modernization Act, consolidates some previous MWBE legislation but also updates the participation goals for such businesses.

The MBE participation goal for Erie County is 10 percent, and has been at 10 percent since 1987, when it was last set. The new legislation would increase that goal 20 percent for projects over $100,000, and for the same projects, it would increase the WBE goal from 2 percent to 10 percent. The County would rely on the MWBE certifications compiled either by the County or by the State of New York in determining MWBE status.

In addition, the Act requires all County Departments to prepare annual MWBE Utilization Plans, and gives the Division of Equal Employment Opportunity the responsibility of preparing a biannual report on each Department's good-faith efforts to reach the new MWBE utilization goals.

Read the proposed legislation at https://www2.erie.gov/legislature/sites/www2.erie.gov.legislature/files/uploads/Session_Folders/2021/15/LL%20Intro.%202-1%20%282021%29.pdf. Erie County legislature minutes may be viewed at https://www2.erie.gov/legislature/index.php?q=session-agendas-amp-minutes-0.

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