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St. Petersburg City Council reviews disparity study results
Published on 09/27/2021

The St. Petersburg City Council has recently reviewed the results of a disparity study that was commissioned in 2018. The study examined the experiences of minority- and woman-owned businesses (MWBEs) in City contracting between October 1st, 2014 and September 30th, 2018. The study found disparities in awards to MWBEs relative to what would be expected by their availability in every industry that was reviewed.

The findings of the study indicate that the City's small business enterprise (SBE) program has not been effective in helping MWBEs achieve utilization parity in City procurement, even when the analysis is limited only to those firms certified as SBEs.

Suggestions by the disparity study for remedying the disparity include: setting MWBE subcontracting goals, better tracking and monitoring, bid discounts on prime contracts for MWBEs, assessing penalties for failing to meet MWBE goals, and more.

Find the City's page for the disparity study at https://www.stpete.org/business/procurement/supplier_diversity.php.

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