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DC DOT proposes disadvantaged business goal, seeks public input
Published on 07/30/2015

The District of Columbia's Department of Transportation (DDOT) announced its proposed three-year disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE) goal in late July.

For fiscal years 2016 through 2018, DDOT says it will attempt to award 19 percent of Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)-funded contracts to DBEs. The department intends to achieve 3 percent of this goal through race-conscious measures, such as requiring that prime contractors perform a good faith effort to include DBEs as subcontractors on projects, and 16 percent through race-neutral measures.

The public has until September 9th to review and submit comments on the goal. All comments should be submitted to:

Lisa Gregory, Chief
Office of Civil Rights
District Department of Transportation
55 M Street SE, Third Floor
Washington, DC 20003

Additionally, the public can attend a meeting on August 12 at 2pm to discuss the proposed DBE goal, which will be held at:

55 M Street SE, Room 439
Washington, DC 20003

For more information about the DBE goal and the meeting, contact Mohammed Kabir at (202) 299-2190.

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