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Philadelphia spending more with MBE, WBE firms
Published on 08/25/2015

The City of Philadelphia increased the amount of city contracting dollars going to minority and women-owned businesses (MBEs and WBEs) in 2014, according to a recently released study. The annual report found a one percent increase - which represents $23 million - over the previous year.

In total, 29 percent of contracts, equal to $267 million, were awarded to MBEs and WBEs in 2014, which brings the city close to meeting it's yearly goal of awarding 30 percent of all contracts to MBEs and WBEs.

"Every dollar spent by the City represents an economic opportunity for minority, women, and disabled owned businesses in Philadelphia," said Mayor Nutter.  "We want to expand the markets they serve and their capacity to grow their businesses and put people to work.  Increasing the goal to 30 percent participation last year and maintaining that goal this year was our way of showing our continued commitment to these entrepreneurs.  This year’s study highlights the City’s efforts in this regard."

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