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City of Madera Triennial DBE (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise) Goal for Federally-funded Transit Projects FFY2016-17, 17-18 & 18-19
Published on 07/07/2016

The City of Madera is the recipient of grants through the United States Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration (FTA). It is the policy of the City to ensure that disadvantaged business enterprises (DBEs) have an equal opportunity to receive and participate in FTA-funded contracts.

A DBE goal of 13 percent has been calculated for the City's FTA-funded contracts for FFY2016-17, 17- 18 & 18-19. The triennial DBE goal is subject to review and adjustment on an annual basis. The calculations and methodology are available for review by calling (559) 661-5418, via email to jstickman@cityofmadera.com, and at the City Engineer's office, 205 West 4th Street, Madera, CA 93637.

Public comment will be accepted, in writing, for 45 days from the date of this notice and may be sent to the following addresses:

Keith Helmuth, DBE Liaison Officer

City of Madera
205 West 4th Street
Madera, CA 93637
or to jstickman@cityofmadera.com

This notice is published pursuant to the requirements of CFR Title 49 Section 26.45 and authorized by City Council Minute Order.

City Engineer
City of Madera

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