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Shelby County Commission votes on M/WBE ordinances
Published on 11/15/2016

The Shelby County Commission is due to vote on several recommendations made by an ad hoc general government committee designed to boost minority and women-owned businesses (MBE/WBE) participation on County contracts.

The move comes following a study that found that from 2012 to 2015, 88 percent of county purchasing contracts were awarded to businesses owned by white men. Businesses owned by African-Americans, on the other hand, received just 5.8 percent while businesses owned by white women received only 5.15 percent.

The recommended ordinances include specific ownership requirements for businesses seeking to become a certified MBE/WBE. A firm must be 51 percent owned by either a minority or a woman to qualify.

The plan would also require that prime contractors make a good faith effort to meet subcontracting goals of 28 percent for MBEs on construction contracts and 26 percent MBE participation and 14 percent WBE participation for subcontracting on professional-service contracts.

Additionally, the ordinances call for the County to offer procurement training to M/WBEs, monitor the ongoing participation level of M/WBEs in contracting processes, and establish of a county-wide oversight committee for the program.

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