Welcome to DBE Journal, formerly Outreach Impact.
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Outreach Coordinator

Justine Cooper

Project Estimator

Hugo Gurierrez

Contact Information

1016 North Market Blvd., Ste. 20
Sacramento, CA 95834


(916) 372-8910


(510) 296-8351

McGuire and Hester
is seeking qualified DBEss

Project Name

North Davis Meadows Water Consolidation Project

Bid/Contract #


Awarding Agency

County of Yolo

Project Location

Davis, Yolo County, CA

Bid Date

04/18/2024 at 02:00

Project Details

Scope: . Installing approximately 10,447 linear feet of new potable water main piping with gate valves, air valves, blow-offs, and water system appurtenances in existing road right-of-way and across public lands, including a public golf course; bored and jacked installation of 62 linear feet of 27” steel casing for 14” water pipe; connecting new City water pipe mains to an existing County-owned water system; installing water meters and backflow preventer on approximately 102 existing services to 94 existing homes and 8 existing public irrigation systems along with new service piping to 13 of those services; locating and exposing existing water service boxes that are buried under private landscaping; cap or plug and abandon in place various portions of existing 6-inch water mains that are being replaced with 8-inch mains or otherwise removed from service staging of multiple tie-ins to existing system to keep existing system in service, and then flushing the combined new system to eliminate existing, non-potable well water from the system; performing incidental replacement of plain and decorative concrete driveways, walkways and golf cart paths, unit pavers and hot mix asphalt paved roadway; preserving and protecting or replacing in-kind existing golf course features, including a park bench; preserving and protecting existing golf course irrigation systems; preserving and restoring various landscape planting and irrigation features; and establishing any restored or replaced lawns and other landscape plantings.

We are preparing a bid for the above referenced project as a General Contractor and are interested in receiving a quote from your firm. The trades we are seeking quotes for include, but are not limited to: Trucking, Saw cutting, Survey, Striping, Jack & Bore, Landscape & irrigation, Traffic Control, Chlorination, SWPPP, Survey, & Directional Drilling.

Regarding any Import Trucking: Furnish trucking for the import of all aggregate materials required for the project. Award of this work will be given to the trucker who provides the most economical haul rates for the required work. Tonnage rates must be quoted for all aggregate products in end dumps, transfers, double bottoms, and single bottoms.

Please contact our estimating department to obtain a copy of our bid schedule or amounts necessary to help you with your bid. Your quotes must be submitted in writing to this firm at least 2 hours before the time scheduled for bid opening so that all quotes may be evaluated equally. Also, it is important that you forward a copy of your current DBE certification with agencies and expiration date along with your bid if applicable. This information must be submitted with your bid.

When McGuire and Hester is awarded a project, and we list your firm as one of our subcontractors, McGuire and Hester may require that you furnish Performance, Labor and Materials and/or Payment bonds. We will pay up to and including two percent (2%) of your bonding cost. We will also insist that your firm abide by the insurance requirements as stated within the General Contract and Subcontract and promptly provide certificates of insurance for general liability, automotive, and workers compensation. In some instances, naming an additional insured will be required along with a waiver of subrogation. Special insurance requirements will affect your rates. Be sure that you understand the insurance requirements prior to submitting your bid. Our staff is available at (916) 372-8910 to answer your questions.

Plans and specifications are available from the owner and are located in our Plan Room on our website at www.mcguireandhester.com for your convenience. You may also review them in our office between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM Monday through Friday, or other arrangements may be made with our estimating department in order to address your special requirements. McGuire and Hester�s Standard Subcontract and Purchase Order Agreements, one of which you will be required to execute, are also available for review on our website.

Should you have any questions or need assistance relative to the bid package, cost estimates, sub-bid requirements, or bonding requirements, please contact our office and request the estimator associated with this project.

If you are interested in bidding on this project, please call us at (916) 372-8910 or FAX us your quote at (916) 372-8913. Please update your company and contact information so we may continue to reach out with opportunities.

McGuire and Hester is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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