Welcome to DBE Journal, formerly Outreach Impact.
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Outreach Coordinator

Debbie Smulson

Project Estimator

Andrew Lampkin

Contact Information

391 N. Main Street, Ste 302
Corona, CA 92880


(951) 356-1275


(951) 549-9003

Ames Construction, Inc.
is seeking qualified DBEss

Project Name

Marriott Shadow Ridge, Low-Pressure, and Emerald Desert Non-Potable Water Pipelines Project

Bid/Contract #

Spec No. 2022-42

Awarding Agency

Coachella Valley Water District

Project Location

Palm Desert, Riverside County, CA

Bid Date

05/29/2024 at 14:00

Project Details

DBE Subs/Suppliers required include but are not limited to: installing 36, 24, and 18-inch diameter water main pipe with restrained joints, including valves, fittings, polyethylene encasement, imported sand and aggregates, testing, traffic control, disinfection, saw cutting, asphalt removal, asphalt grinding, pavement replacement, striping, erosion control, minor concrete, excavation, backfill and compaction of backfill, potholing all utility crossings, trucking, street sweeping, surface restoration and all necessary appurtenances complete and in place and all mechanical and electrical component as indicated in contract documents. Ames Construction, Inc. will work with subcontractors and suppliers to breakdown items into economical feasible packages and to establish delivery/construction schedules to allow for maximum DBE participation

Ames will require bidder to provide performance and payment bonds for the full amount of the Subcontract values. Costs of the bonds are to be provided as a separate line item. Please call to discuss how Ames Construction can assist you in your bonding, credit and/or insurance needs. Also, let us know if you need assistance in obtaining necessary equipment, supplies, materials or related assistance or services for this project. Please contact us for more information. Ames’ Subcontract terms and conditions will apply to any contracts resulting from this request. The Subcontractor, by submission of its bid, agrees to the “Terms and Conditions” including all Exhibits and Attachments of Ames Subcontract Agreement. Ames reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotations. For questions about plans, specifications and other contract requirements please contact our office. Contact info provided below. Bids submitted to Ames in response to this RFQ shall remain open and valid until the contract is executed. Ames Construction, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Our contact for this project is Andrew Lampkin at (951) 356-1275 X 1291 or andrewlampkin@amesco.com. Please fax quotes to (951) 549-9003 or send by email to CABID@Amesco.com.
Plans and specifications can be viewed and downloaded at: https://ames.sharefile.com/d-s738d7ef546dd4c7da91a217fc9edc0b4

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