Welcome to DBE Journal, formerly Outreach Impact.
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Outreach Coordinator

Rozita AhKiong

Project Estimator

Sepidah "Sippy" Aria

Contact Information

10704 Shoemaker Ave
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670


(562) 946-1816


(562) 946-3823

Kiewit Infrastructure West Co.
is seeking qualified DBEs, MBEs, WBEs, SBEss

Project Name

El Estero Water Resource Center Electrical Distribution Renewal

Bid/Contract #

Bid No. 5053A

Awarding Agency

City of Santa Barbara

Project Location

Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County, CA

Bid Date

08/01/2024 at 14:00

Project Details

Kiewit is requesting quotes for various areas of work listed in, but not limited to, the scopes of work below.

Dumpster and Trash Services, Site Security, Cleaning, Manhole Materials, Asphalt Paving and Supplies, Paving
Specialties, Curbs and Gutter, Fencing, Ready Mix Supply, Precast Concrete, Metals, Welding Services,
Stainless Steel Pipe, Metal Deck, Metal Doors and Frames, Overhead Doors, Windows, Plaster and Gypsum Board,
Flooring, Painting and Coating, Louvers and Vents, Fire Protection Specialties, Hydraulic Gates and Valves,
Bolts and Gaskets, Valves, Pickling and Passivation, Fire Protection Piping, Plumbing Fixtures and Equipment,
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

Firms interested in receiving a bid package for this project must contact us at the e-mail address noted. Responding firms will be issued an “Invitation to Bid” through Kiewit’s electronic use of BuildingConnected system (at no cost to bidder) with project information and bid instructions. Plans and specifications will also be available for review at the address listed below if requested.

This project is funded by the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and is therefore subject to the requirements for American Iron and Steel, the DBE Program requirements, and the California Davis-Bacon Labor Code.

Responsive bidders must possess a valid California Contractor’s license (as appropriate), be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) and provide acceptable insurance. Responsible subcontractors and material contractors may be required to provide bonding for 100% of their contract value. Kiewit will reimburse bond premiums. Firms performing any onsite work are required to be signatory to collective bargaining agreements with the carpenters, laborers, cement masons, ironworkers, operating engineers, and teamsters. Kiewit will consider quotes from any, and all bidders who demonstrate an ability to foster and maintain labor harmony on the Project.

Kiewit intends to conduct itself in good faith with all project participants on this project. For further information regarding this project, licensing, insurance or bonding, equipment, supplies, materials, or related assistance or services or project schedule, please contact the Lead Estimator listed below.

Kiewit Infrastructure West Co.
10704 Shoemaker Ave., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
Tel: (562) 946-1816 ● Fax: (562) 946-3823
Contact : Sepidah “Sippy” Aria
Email : sepidah.aria@kiewit.com

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