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Outreach Coordinator

Dana Wilkins

Project Estimator

Dana Wilkins

Contact Information

132 South Maple Ave
South San Francisco, CA 94080


(650) 267-5300


(650) 267-5302

JMB Construction INC
is seeking qualified DBEss

Project Name

Amador Street Infrastructure Improvements

Bid/Contract #

MARAD FY 2022 PIDP Grant No. 693JF72344034

Awarding Agency

Port of San Francisco

Project Location

San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA

Bid Date

08/15/2024 at 10.00

Project Details

We are seeking quotes for the following scopes of work:
Traffic Control, Trucking, Electrical, Reinforcing Steel, Misc Metals, Concrete, Jack & Bore, Landscaping, Paving & Sawcutting.

The work to be done under this contract is located at Amador Street, City and County of San Francisco. This project is to perform infrastructure improvements to replace gravity sewer and storm drains, roadway pavement, landscape, the existing defunct Amador Street sanitary pump station and associated discharge force main pipe, fittings and appurtenances that ended at Amador Street utility corridor. The new sanitary pump
station shall be equipped with automated, redundant instrument controls with provisions for future system expansion. and all related and incidental work.

DBE Goal: 22.5%

We are available to assist interested subs and vendors with questions regarding scopes of work, interpretation of bid documents, obtaining bonds, insurance and lines of credit or any other technical assistance needed. We can also assist DBE's in obtaining necessary equipment, supplies or materials. We are also available to discuss breaking out portions of work to encourage DBE participation.

Plans & Specs are available for review in our office or at https://sfport.com/business/contract-opportunities
Performance & Payment Bonds may be required.

Please forward bids to dwilkins@jmbconstruction.com

JMB Construction INC, 132 South Maple Ave, South San Francisco, CA 94080

An Equal Opportunity Employer

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