Welcome to DBE Journal, formerly Outreach Impact.
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Outreach Coordinator

Donna Fraser

Project Estimator

Randahl Hagen

Contact Information

2350 Kerner Blvd, Ste 200
San Rafael, CA 94901


(415) 258-6876


(415) 459-3295

The Dutra Group
is seeking qualified DBEss

Project Name

Mare Island Causeway Bridge (23C-0248) Preventative Maintenance and Repair Project PW9762

Bid/Contract #


Awarding Agency

City of Vallejo Department of Public Works

Project Location

Mare Island Causeway Bridge, Vallejo, Solano County, CA

Bid Date

10/09/2024 at 02:00

Project Details

The Dutra Group is seeking qualified subcontractors for the following opportunities: Electrical and lighting, trucking, hauling, debris removal, clearing and grubbing, SWPPP, traffic control, concrete pumping and placement, environmental compliance monitoring, quality control testing, fencing and security, steel pile supply, concrete, steel, and various construction materials, signage, striping, paving, biologist, plastic pipe, rebar, reinforcing steel, structural steel, guard rails, joint sealing, pavement marking removal, silt fence, small tools and supplies.

Dutra has made every effort to break work items down into feasible economic units to encourage and/or facilitate teaming.

Point of Contact: dfraser@dutragroup.com

LDs, Prevailing Wage Rates Apply

Estimators are available to assist with interpretation of plans/specs, scope of work, as well as with bonding,
lines of credit and/or insurance issues.

We bond all subs, USLH insurance will be required for all work over or near water.
This is a federal-aid project subject to equal employment opportunity provisions. DIR required.

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