Tracy Gill
Michael Wiebelhaus
22099 Palo Way
Palo Cedro, CA 96073
(530) 547-1112
(530) 547-1118
Water System Improvements Project
Project # 4700503-004C
Callahan Water District
Callahan , Siskiyou County, CA
01/15/2025 at 01:00
Allen Gill Construction Inc. is soliciting proposals and quotes from all Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) for the Callahan Water District Water System Improvements Project. Sealed proposals will be received by the Callahan Water District, at the office of the engineer at 329 West Miner Street Yreka , California, 96097, until 1:00 p.m. local lime, January 15, 2025, at which time they shall be pubIicly opened and read, for construction of the Water System Improvements Project (Project#: 4700503-0 04C) in accordance with the Contract Documents therefore and any addenda which may be issued prior to the Bid opening date. The project is located within the Callahan Water District and consists of replacing existing services with metered services throughout the Water District's service area. locating missing services, as well as replacing old pipelines, construction of a new 66,000-gall on welded steel storage reservoir, treatment plant upgrades and miscellaneous other water system items. Allen Gill Construction, Inc. is requesting quotes from DBEs for all disciplines of work involved with this project including, but not limited to, the following items: Traffic Control, Earthwork, New Chemical Building, Static Mixer, Piping, Injection Line & Boxes, New Turbidimeter Equipment, New Electric Service, Rehab Existing Media Filters, Two New Pressure Media Filters, Construct New Intake Screen & Piping, Water Meters, 66,000 Gallon Welded Steel Storage Reservoir, New Reservoir Piping, Storage Reservoir Altitude Valve Assembly, Horizontal Directional Boring of Pipe and Sleeve Installation.
We will work with interested DBEs to create custom scopes of work/supply to meet their particular needs. We will encourage a consortium of DBEs when any particular item(s) of interest are too large for one DBE firm to handle individually. We will work with interested DBEs to divide total requirements into economically feasible, smaller tasks or quantities to permit maxim um DBEs participation. All Interested DBEs are encouraged to contact Allen Gill Construction, Inc. to participate in this contract. Project plans and specifications can be viewed at Allen Gill Construction, Inc or obtained from We are an equal opportunity employer. If DBEs need assistance in bidding, please reach out to us for assistance. Please contact us at Allen Gill Construction Inc. Phone: 530-547-1112, Fax 530-547-1118. Each subcontractor must submit proof of current DIR Registration when submitting a quote. Insurance Requirements: each subcontractor must submit proof of work comp insurance and obtain work comp throughout the completion of the project.
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