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Outreach Coordinator

Kylee Dominguez

Project Estimator

Curtis "CJ" Jolley

Contact Information

3075 Townsgate Road, Suite 200
Westlake Village, CA 91361


(818) 362-9200


(818) 362-9300

Security Paving Company, Inc
is seeking qualified DBEss

Project Name

Project 07-346304- Install rubberized hot mixed asphalt. In Los Angeles County

Bid/Contract #


Awarding Agency


Project Location

Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

Bid Date

03/06/2025 at 14:00

Project Details

Security Paving Company is looking for quotes from DBE Certified firms. All items including, but not limited to: Develop Water Supply, Construction Area Signs, Traffic Control Systems, Temp. Striping, Implement BMP's, SWPPP, Temp. Erosion Control, Street Sweeping, Temp. Concrete Washout, Striping Removal, Treated Wood Waste, Remove Concrete, Roadway Excavation, Roadside Clearing, Rock Blanket, Erosion Control, Irrigation Systems, Class 3 Aggregate Base, LCB Rapid Setting, Base Bond Breaker, Segment Correction, Replace AC Surfacing, Supply HMA, Supply RHMA, Place HMA Dike, Place HMA, Tack Coat, Remove AC Dike, Cold Plane AC Pavement, JPCP, Drill & Bond, ISR, Remove Concrete Pavement, Grind Existing Concrete Pavement, CIDH Concrete Pile, Minor Concrete, Clean Expansion Joint, Joint Seal, Sign Structures, Pre/Post Construction Surveys, Misc. Iron & Steel, Electrical Systems, Guardrail Systems, Pavement Markers, Roadside Signs, Veg. Control Mat, Fencing, Concrete Barrier, Permanent Striping, Striping Removals, Trucking. PLEASE VISIT THE CALTRANS WEBSITE FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE BID ITEM LIST

Plans and specifications are available at the CDOT website: http://ppmoe.dot.ca.gov/des/oe/weekly-ads/all-adv-projects.php . They can also be reviewed at our office located, 3075 Townsgate Rd, Suite 200, Westlake Village, CA 91361, by appointment only.
Additional Information: Security Paving Company, Inc. is requesting pricing for all items of work on the project. Subcontractors and suppliers are required to submit price quotes to us within a reasonable time prior to the bid date, in order to fully evaluate quote. 100% performance bonds may be required for the full subcontracted amount. Security Paving will pay up to 2.5% of the bond premium. Subcontractors must possess a valid California Contractor’s license, DIR Registration Number, current insurance. Subcontractor’s will be required to sign a standard subcontract agreement. Security Paving is signatory to Laborers, Operating Engineers, Cement Masons, Carpenters, and Teamsters unions. This is a prevailing wage project. Please call if you will need assistance in obtaining bonding, lines of credit, insurance, equipment, materials, or delivery schedules. Please contact our office if you are interested in this project. Security Paving will work cooperatively with all qualified firms seeking to work on this project. All quotes must include DIR number.

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