Steve Lydon
P.O. Box 276
Healdsburg, CA 95448
(707) 433-0323
(707) 433-0322
Construction on State Highway in Sonoma County Near Stewarts Point
Jenner, Sonoma County, CA
02/11/2025 at 02:00
TerraCon Constructors, Inc. is accepting quotes from, but not limited to, DVBEs and all other Subcontractors and Suppliers for construction, equipment, supplies, and services for the following Project: 04-1K7604 Construction on State Highway in Sonoma County Near Stewarts Point. Bid Date: February 11, 2025, 2:00PM. Estimated Cost is: $1,070,000. Project is 290 Working Days. Project Details: Can be found in the Bidding Documents which contain the full description of the Work. Quotes requested include, but are not limited to, the following scopes of work to encourage DVBE participation: Level 2 Critical Path Method Schedule, Time-Related Overhead (Wday), Construction Area Signs, Traffic Control System, Channelizer (Surface Mounted), Temporary Barrier System, Portable Changeable Message Sign (Ls) ,Temporary Crash Cushion Tl-3 ,Job Site Management, Water Pollution Control Program, Temporary Check Dam, Temporary Drainage Inlet Protection, Temporary Fiber Roll, Temporary Reinforced Silt Fence, Street Sweeping, Temporary Concrete Washout, Water Quality Sampling And Analysis Day, Water Quality Monitoring Report, Water Quality Annual Report, Temporary Creek Diversion Systems, Invasive Species Control ,Temporary Construction Mat (Ea), Clearing And Grubbing (Ls), Roadway Excavation (Topsoil), Roadside Clearing, Plant (Group H), Plant Establishment Work, Temporary Irrigation System, Move-In/Move-Out (Erosion Control), Imported Topsoil (Cy), Dry Seed (Sqft), Fiber Reinforced Matrix (Sqft), Rolled Erosion Control Product (Netting), Fiber Rolls, Hydroseed, Compost (Cy), Incorporate Materials, Base Bond Breaker, Hot Mix Asphalt (Type A), Tack Coat, (F) - Structural Concrete, (F) - Structural Concrete, Drainage Inlet, (F) - Bar Reinforcing Steel, Concrete Backfill (Pipe Trench) (Rsc), 78" Steel Spiral Rib Pipe (.109" Thick), Drainage Inlet Marker, Remove Culvert (Lf), Remove Inlet, Remove Headwall, Cleaning And Inspecting Culvert, (F) - Miscellaneous Iron And Steel, Prepare And Stain Concrete, Reset Milepost Marker, (F) - Cable Railing, 6" Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe (Enhanced Wet Night Visibility) and any other trade and/or materials including partial items required by the project plans & specs.
TerraCon Constructors, Inc. is available to assist with any questions regarding the scope of work, requirements, plans & specs, bonds, lines of credit, and insurance. TerraCon Constructors, Inc. may also assist in obtaining necessary equipment, supplies, materials or related services. Plans and Specifications, and requirements can be viewed and/or obtained at our Healdsburg office, and as well, are available to view on North Coast Builder’s Exchange. Please note that this is a Prevailing Wage project. TerraCon Constructors, Inc. is a UNION CONTRACTOR. All subcontractors will be required to enter our standard contract and must be Union, or willing to sign a one-time job agreement unless there are no Union Contractors who perform your specific trade. Payment and Performance Bonds may be required of all Subcontractors. Proof of MBE/WBE certification must be submitted with your bid. Should you have any questions or require additional information about specific requirements of the work, please feel free to contact our office: (707) 433-0323 Phone; (707) 433-0322 Fax; or email, Thank you in advance for your interest in this project. TerraCon Constructors, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.
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