Randy Jenco
PO Box 1508
Rancho Cordova, CA 95741
(916) 852-5530
(916) 852-5533
Dry Creek Road Bridge over Dry Creek Replacement
BRLO 5921 (061)
County of Napa
Napa, Napa County, CA
02/20/2025 at 11:30
Construction Staking, Traffic Control (Flagging), Construction Area Signs, Prepare Storm Water Pollution Control Plan, Water Pollution Control and Reports, Water Sampling and Reports, Biologist, Miscellaneous Demolition, Tree Protection, Temporary Fence, Clearing and Grubbing, Tree Removal, Excavation and Backfill, Planting and Irrigation, Hydroseeding, Grading and Paving, Trucking, 24” Cast-In-Drilled-Hole Concrete Piling, Furnish and Erect Precast Concrete Girders, Furnish Readymix Concrete, Joint Seal, Bar Reinforcing Steel, Bridge Removal, Drainage, Rock Slope Protection, Furnish Miscellaneous Metal and Welded Steel Pipe, Utility Work, Fence, Roadside Signs, Guardrailing, Crash Cushion, Concrete Barrier (Type 85), Bicycle Railing, Striping, Electrical
We are an equal opportunity employer. Plans and Specifications may be reviewed at our office located at 3835 Security Park Drive, Rancho Cordova, or may be obtained from the Owner. Each subcontractor may be required to submit faithful performance and payment bonds. Contact our office if you need more information or help obtaining bonds, lines of credit, insurance, necessary equipment, supplies and materials or technical assistance.
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