Purchasing Department
50 Sanatorium Rd. Bldg A, 6th Fl.
Pomona, NY 10970
(845) 364-3820
(845) 364-3809
Truck -International Vacuum Tank
County of Rockland
various, Rockland County, NY
03/25/2025 at 03:00
THIS WEBSITE IS NOT BEING MONITORED. ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE EMAILED TO PURCHASING@CO.ROCKLAND.NY.US. It is the intent of the Rockland County Sewer District ( RCSD#1) to procure an HX620 SBA International vacuum tank truck as per the specifications listed in this bid. In recognition of the specialized nature of the chassis components and in the interest of insuring the safety of the operators, affixing responsibilities, minimizing downtime, maximizing productivity, and insuring proper service, warranty, and factory support beyond the point of sale, bids will be accepted only from truck chassis dealers who are factory authorized to sell, and have ability to have vehicle serviced for warranty support in a geographic area
IMPORTANT NOTICE �" Bid Distribution:
Vendors interested in obtaining the official version of the solicitation may register to download the solicitation at: www.bidnetdirect.com or https://rocklandgov.bonfirehub.com/portal.
The County of Rockland officially distributes bidding documents through BidNet Direct or the Bonfire System. Copies of bidding documents obtained from any other source are not considered official copies. Only those vendors who obtain bidding documents from either Bid Notification System are guaranteed to receive all attachments, drawings or addendum information, if such information is issued.
Any questions related to this solicitation should be sent via email to: purchasing@co.rockland.ny.us
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