Darren Trawick
Darren Trawick
9614 Tanqueray Court
Redding, CA 96003
(530) 223-1100 ext. 18
(530) 223-6320
Centimudi Water Storage Tank Project
City of Shasta Lake
City of Shasta Lake, Shasta County, CA
04/10/2025 at 02:00
RTA Construction, Inc. is soliciting proposals and quotes from all Minority Owned Business Enterprises (MBE) Woman Owned Business Enterprises (WBE) for the City of Shasta Lake Centimudi Water Storage Tank Project. Sealed proposals / bids will be accepted by the City Clerk until 2:00 pm on Thursday, April 10, 2025 at Shasta Lake City Hall, 4477 Main Street, Shasta Lake, CA. This project consists of the construction of a new 2.45-million-gallon reinforced prestressed concrete finished water storage tank and associated work including but not limited to site preparation, earthwork, trenching, installation of related piping and pipe appurtenances, driveway, security fence, overflow, and other miscellaneous work. The engineer’s estimate is $5,590,015. A pre-bid conference is scheduled between staff and interested bidders at Shasta Lake City Hall, 4477 Main Street, Shasta Lake, on Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 9:00 a.m., at which time the project will be reviewed. All interested bidders are encouraged to attend.
RTA Construction, Inc. is requesting quotes from MBE/WBE’s for all disciplines of work involved with this project including, but not limited to, the following items: 1) Traffic Control, 2) Erosion and Sediment Control, 3) Construction Staking, 4) Mobilization/Demobilization, 5) Trench Sheeting Shoring and Bracing, 6) Earthwork and Site Grading to Tank Subgrade, 7) Over-Excavate Tank Foundation, 8) Backfill Tank Over-Excavation, 9) Over-Excavation Subgrade Bench Subdrains, 10) Inlet, Outlet and Overflow Pipes Under Tank, 11) Aggregate Base Leveling Course, PVC Geomembrane and Poly Liner, 12) Prestressed Concrete Tank , 13) Tank Site Piping, 14) Finished Grading, Backfill, Fencing, Concrete and All Other Miscellaneous Site Improvements, 15) Landscaping and Irrigation, 16) Tank Site Electrical, Instrumentation and Controls, 17) Red Bud Site Electrical, Instrumentation and Controls. We will work with interested MBE/WBEs to create custom scopes of work/supply to meet their particular needs. We will encourage a consortium of MBE/WBEs when any particular item(s) of interest are too large for one MBE/WBE firm to handle individually. We will work with interested MBE/WBEs to divide total requirements into economically feasible, smaller tasks or quantities to permit maximum MBE/WBE participation.
All Interested MBE/WBEs are encouraged to contact RTA Construction, Inc. to participate in this contract. Project plans and specifications can be viewed at RTA Construction, Inc or obtained from CIPList.com. We are an equal opportunity employer, RTA Construction, Inc. If MBE/WBEs need assistance in bidding, acquiring loans or insurance, etc. please reach out to us for assistance. Please contact us at RTA Construction Inc., 9614 Tanqueray Court, Redding, CA 96003, Phone: 530-223-1100, Fax 530-223-6320.
We are an equal opportunity employer. The plans and specs are available for your review at our office. Bonds will not be required from qualified subcontractors.
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