Brittany Borgert
4650 Business Center Drive
Fairfield, CA 94534
(707) 439-7300
(707) 439-7301
Enhanced Treatment Site Upgrade - Phase 1B Project
Project No. 800-557
Union Sanitary District
Union City, Alameda County, CA
04/30/2025 at 14:00
We are seeking quotes for the following scopes AC Paving, Aggregates, Cathodic Protection, Clearing & Grubbing / Tree Removal, Concrete Pumping, Concrete Repair, Concrete Supply, Cranes & Hoists (Permanent), Dampproofing /Waterproofing, Demolition, Dewatering, Doors & Hardware, Drilled Piers, Drilled Displacement Piles, and Minipiles, Dump Fees, Erosion Control, Fences & Gates (Chain Link and Architectural), Final Cleaning/Janitorial, Firestopping, FRP, Glass, Glazing and Translucent Wall Assemblies, Grouting of Abandoned Pipe, Hazardous Waste Removal, HVAC, Hydroseeding, Insulation, Jet Grouting, Joint Sealants, K-Rail, Laboratory Space, Landscaping, Lime/Cement Treatment, Masonry, Masonry Retaining Wall, Mechanical Equipment, Milling & Grinding, Minor Concrete, Misc. Metals & Structural Steel, MSE Walls, Noise Monitoring and Mitigation, Painting and Coating, Piping and Valves, Polyethylene Storage Tanks, Potholing / Vacuum Truck, Pre-Engineered Canopies, Precast Concrete, Precast Prestressed Concrete Hollow Core Planks, Quality Control, Rebar, Recycled Plastic Lumber, Roofing, Safety Specialties, Sawcutting / Core Drill, Shoring, Signage, Striping / Pavement Markings, Sweeper Truck, Traffic Coatings, Traffic Control / MOT, Trucking & Hauling, Water Truck, and Well Abandon.
Plans are available for viewing through SmartBidNet (SBN). All companies already registered in our SBN database will receive an invitation to bid. Please email to have your company added to our SBN database to be able to receive bidding information, Plans and Specifications.
Performance and Payment Bonds may be required for Subcontractors, and Supply Bond for permanent material Suppliers on this project. Bond requirement can be waived on a case-by-case basis. Please contact Kiewit for more information. Bond premiums are reimbursable by Kiewit.
Interested firms may contact Kiewit for any assistance in bonding, insurance, equipment, materials and/or supplies.
Subcontractors must possess & provide current California contractor’s license number & DIR Registration number.
Subcontractors and Suppliers will be required to execute Kiewit standard agreements and agree to Kiewit standard general terms and conditions. Copies are available for review through our SmartBidNet (SBN) site.
California Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) applies
US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) grants
American Iron and Steel requirements applies
Davis-Bacon Act and California prevailing wage requirements applies
Disadvantages Business Enterprises (40 CFR Part 33) applies
An Equal Opportunity Employer CA Lic. 433176 DIR #: 1000001147
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