Marissa Anderson
Dan Graf
1750 New Highway
Farmingdale, NY 11735
(631) 390-5713
(631) 249-8124
Fallwell Lane Capital Renewal Project
CITY OF AUSTIN Public Works Department
Del Valle, Travis County, TX
04/03/2025 at 02:00
We are seeking quotes for the City of Austin Fallwell Lane Capital Renewal Project.
The Work consists of furnishing all tools, labor, materials, equipment, and miscellaneous items necessary for the complete construction of approximately 6,800 linear feet of water and reuse water lines and appurtenances (ranging from 4IN to 36IN), approximately 3,500 linear feet of both new roadway and reconstructed roadway work, approximately 700 linear feet of 60IN soldier pile wall, 65’ in depth, and culvert replacement.
We are seeking quotes for aggregates, concrete, drainage, base, asphalt paving, concrete flatwork/driveways/curb and gutter, water and sewer installation, traffic signal/electrical/illumination, traffic control, signing, and pavement markings.
Subcontractors and Vendors welcome!
Project plans and specs are available on the City of Austin website:
Participation goals for this project include; African American, Hispanic, Asian / Native American and WBE certified by the City of Austin.
Please reference the City of Austin specification for insurance requirements.
The ROCIP program will be applicable to this project.
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