Christina Ramos
Thien Nguyen / Andy Yu
1383 S Signal Dr
Pomona, CA 91766
(909) 622-2259
(909) 622-3053
North Park/Mid-City Bikeways: University Bikeway Rebid
San Diego, San Diego County, CA
04/10/2025 at 02:30
(Subcontractors): Reinforcing Steel, Minor Concrete, Minor Structures, Asphalt Paving, Asphalt Dike, Slurry Seal, Fence & Railing, Signage & Striping, Electrical, Traffic Signals, Traffic Loop Detector, Street Sweeping, Asphalt Cold Milling, Sawcutting, Tree Removal, Surveying, Quality Control, Trucking Landscape & Irrigation, Clear & Grubb, Traffic Control, SWPPP, Job Coordinator and Painting
(Suppliers): RCP, Detectable Warning Tiles, Ready-Mix Concrete, Colored Concrete, Aggregates, Sound Control, Stormwater Biofiltration System, Waterworks, Site Furnishings (Bike Rack, Trash Receptacle, etc.), Erosion Control, Speed Cushion, Geotextiles, Misc. Metals, Tree Grates, Boulders and Traffic Control Items
We are an equal opportunity employer. The plans and specs are available for your review at our office. Bonds will not be required from qualified subcontractors.
Assistance will be available in obtaining bonds, lines of credit, insurance, necessary equipment, supplies, materials or related technical assistance.
By submitting a proposal, Respondent/Bidder acknowledges that they have performed a thorough review of the terms and conditions contained in our standard subcontract/purchase order (Contract). Respondent/Bidder quotes, including terms and conditions contained therein, will not be included in subcontracts/purchase orders issued for the project. Respondent/Bidder shall submit, in writing with their proposal/quote, any exceptions to the RCI Contract terms and conditions.
Note: RCI may disqualify and reject the respondent’s proposal/bid based on the exceptions submitted.
Plans, Specifications, and Contract requirements can be viewed online at no cost here:
1) Via iSqFt �" please send an email request to
2) Bidnet Direct -
3) Via Sharefile �" please send an email request to
Please e-mail Quotes to:
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