Stephen Ping
456 West Olive Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 730-7520
(000) 000-0000
City of Sunnyvale
Sunnyvale, California County, CA
04/24/2025 at 15:00
Bid Notice text:
Title: City of Sunnyvale, California
Is Seeking Qualified: DBEs, MBEs, WBEs, SBEs, DVBEs
Project Name:
Invitation for Proposals, Cleanwater Center Construction Management, RFP-F25-258-0-2025/LV
Bid/Contract #:
Awarding Agency:
City of Sunnyvale, California
Project Location
Sunnyvale, California
Bid Date:
04/24/2025 at 3:00 pm Pacific
Project Details:
The City of Sunnyvale is seeking proposals for construction management services for the Cleanwater Center (CWC) at the City's Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP). The work includes but is not limited to: construction management and support, project plan and specification review, front-end specification production, communication and coordination, and regulatory and environmental compliance planning and management during construction. Interest and participation by certified Disadvantaged, Minority, or Woman Business Enterprises is encouraged.
Please see the full bid package available at the City's website:
Outreach Coordinator:
Lisa Vo
(408) 730-7608
(408) 328-0723
456 W. Olive Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Exhibit C
Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work by the Consultant, their agents, representatives, or employees.
Minimum Scope and Limits of Insurance. Consultant shall maintain limits not less than:
1. Commercial General Liability: coverage written on an occurrence basis with limits not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. ISO Occurrence Form shall be at least as broad as CG 0001.
2. Automobile Liability: coverage with a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence applying to all owned, non-owned, or hired vehicles used in conjunction with this Agreement for bodily injury and property damage. ISO Form shall be at least as broad as CA 0001.
3. Workers’ Compensation: Statutory Limits and Employer's Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease.
Industry Specific Coverages. If checked below, the following insurance is also required:
☐ Professional Liability / Errors and Omissions Liability coverage with limits not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence or claim.
☐ Valuable Papers and Electronic Data Processing with limits not less than $10,000 each.
☐ Cyber & Tech Liability coverage with limits not less than of $1,000,000 per occurrence or claim.
☐ Crime coverage with limits not less than $500,000 to include third party premises endorsement.
Deductibles, Self-Insured Retentions and Other Coverages:
Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared and reviewed by the City of Sunnyvale, Risk Manager. The Consultant shall guarantee payment of any losses and related investigations, claim administration and defense expenses within the deductible or self-insured retention.
The aforementioned insurance requirements can be met through any combination of self-insured, primary and excess/umbrella policies that fulfill the stipulated coverage as cited above.
Other Insurance Provisions:
1. During the term of the Agreement, the City of Sunnyvale, its officers, officials, employees, agents, and volunteers are to be covered as an additional insured in the Consultant’s commercial general liability policy (and if industry specific coverage is checked above, valuable papers, electronic data processing, and cyber liability policies) with respect to liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Consultant; products and completed operations of the Consultant; premises owned, occupied or used by the Consultant. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City of Sunnyvale, its officers, officials, employees, agents, or volunteers.
Additional Insured Endorsement for ongoing operations at least as broad as ISO CG 20 10 Scheduled, or automatic CG 20 38 and completed operations shall be at least as broad as ISO CG 20 37 scheduled or automatic ISO CG 20 40.
2. During the term of the Agreement, the Consultant’s Workers’ Compensation policy shall be endorsed with a waiver of subrogation in favor of the City of Sunnyvale.
3. For all Architects, Engineers and Design Professionals - If Industry Specific Coverage box is check above and if the Consultant’s Professional Liability/Errors and Omissions coverage is written on a claims made basis:
a. The Retroactive Date must be shown and must be before the date of the Agreement or the beginning of contract work.
b. Insurance must be maintained and evidence of insurance must be provided for at least three (3) years after completion of the contract of work.
c. If coverage is canceled or non-renewed, and not replaced with another claims-made policy form with a Retroactive Date prior to the Agreement effective date, the Consultant must purchase “extended reporting” coverage for a minimum of three (3) years after completion of contract work.
4. For any claims related to this agreement, the Consultant’s insurance shall be primary. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City of Sunnyvale, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers shall be excess of the Consultant’s insurance and shall not contribute with it and shall be at least as broad as ISO CG 20 01 04 13.
5. Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City of Sunnyvale, its officers, officials, employees, agents or volunteers.
6. The Consultant’s insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability.
7. Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, cancelled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City of Sunnyvale.
8. Any umbrella or excess Insurance Liability policies shall be true “following form” of the underlying policy coverage, terms, conditions, and provisions and shall meet all of the insurance requirements stated in this document, including the additional insured, SIR, and primary and non-contributory insurance requirements for the benefit of City (if agreed to in a written contract or agreement) until all coverage carried by or available to the Consultant’s primary and excess liability policies are exhausted and before the City’s own Insurance or self-insurance shall be called upon to contribute to a loss.
9. The policy limits of coverage shall be made available to the full limits of the policy. The minimum limits stated above shall not serve to reduce the Consultant’s policy limits of coverage. Therefore, the requirements for coverage and limits shall be (1) the minimum coverage and limits specified in this agreement, or (2) the broader coverage and maximum limits of coverage of any insurance policy or proceeds available to the named insured, whichever is greater.
Acceptability of Insurers:
Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A: VII, and who are admitted and authorized to do business and in good standing in California unless otherwise acceptable to the City of Sunnyvale’s Risk Manager.
Verification of Coverage:
City utilizes (PINS) to track and verify all insurance related documents. City is no longer accepting Certificates of Insurance by mail and requires the use of PINS. City will email the Consultant requesting proof of insurance for this Contract through the PINS platform (, which include instructions on how to upload insurance documents electronically. Consultant shall furnish the City with an electronic Certificate of Insurance effecting the coverage required. The certificates are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf and name City of Sunnyvale, Attn: Risk Management, 456 W. Olive Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94088 as the certificate holder. All certificates are to be received and approved by the City Risk Manager prior to commencement of work.
The Consultant shall provide certificate(s) evidencing renewals of all insurance required herein prior to the expiration date of any such insurance. Consultant shall submit insurance certificates reflecting the policy renewals through PINS. The City reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time.
Consultant shall require all sub-contractors to procure and maintain insurance policies subject to these requirements. Failure of Consultant to verify existence of subcontractor’s insurance shall not relieve Consultant from any claim arising from subcontractors work on behalf of Consultant.
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