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Outreach Coordinator

Daniel Dinneen

Project Estimator

Daniel Dinneen

Contact Information

7086 Commercial Drive
Canastota, NY 13032


(315) 697-8437


(315) 697-9391

Abscope Environmental Inc.
is seeking qualified MBEs, WBEs, SDVOBss

Project Name

Katzman Recycling Site

Bid/Contract #


Awarding Agency

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)

Project Location

Granville, Washington County, NY

Bid Date

04/17/2025 at 01:00

Project Details

We are seeking quotes for the following sections and items: 013233 Arial and Ground Photographic and Video Documentation, 013529 Contractors Health and Safety Plan, 013543.13 Environmental Procedures for Hazrdous Materials, 014529.13 Testing Laboratory Services Furnished by Contractor, 015105 Temporary Utilities and Controls, 015211 Engineers Field Office, 015213 Contractors Field Office, 015513 Access Roads and Parking Areas, 015800 Project Identification Signs, 017123 Field Engineering, 017650 Nuisance Controls Management and Corrective Measures, 017839 Project Record Documents, 013226 Construction Progress Documentation, 013529.01 Modifications to Contractors Health and Safety Plan, 014336 Field Samples and Analysis, 014500 Contractors Quality Control, 014529.13.01 Modifications to Testing Laboratory Services Furnished by Contractor, 015105.01 Modifications to Temporary Utilities and Controls, 015526 Maintenance and Protection of Traffic, 015726 Dust and Odor Control, 017123.01 Modifications to Field Engineering, 017133 Protection of Work and Property, 017419 Construction Waste Management and Disposal, 017839.01 Modifications to Project Record Documents, 024100 Pole Barn Demolition, 025100 Decontamination Procedures, 028233 Removal and Disposal of Asbestos Containing Soil and Debris, 311100 Clearing and Grubbing, 312316 Excavation, 312319 Dewatering, 312323 Fill, 312500 Erosion and Sediment Controls, 313213 Excavated Material Dewatering and Stabilization, 321123 Aggregate Base Course, 323100 Fences and Gates, 329200 Turf and Grasses, 331153 Monitoring Well Decommissioning, 440140 Water Treatment

Project plans and specifications are available electronically. Please send an email to ddinneen@abscope.com to request an electronic copy of the plans and specifications.

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