Denia Lanza-Campos
Frank Smith
1995 Agua Mansa Road
Riverside, CA 92509
(951) 675-6137
(000) 000-0000
Santa Anita Debris Dam Seismic Strengthening Project
LA County Public Works
Arcadia, Los Angeles County, CA
04/21/2025 at 11:00
Fugitive Dust Control Plan, Contractor Quality Control, Lead Compliance Plan, SPCC Plan, Surface Water Diversion Plan, SWPPP Plan, Noise Mitigation plan, Jobs Coordinator, Automated Data Acquisition System, Cable railing, Catwalk and stairway, Clearing and Grubbing, CMU block building, Davit Crane, Dewatering, Decommission existing piezometers, Doors, Frames & Hardware, Electrical work, Handrails, Instrumentation, Intake structure tower gate and actuator, Intake trash racks, longitudinal gutter, Metal beam guard railing, Metal bollards, (removable and fixed), Metal Roofing, MSE walls, PCC Curb & Gutter, PCC pavement, PCC walkway, Pipe 4”, 6” & 8”, valves, & appurtenances, Pool Drain CIPP Liner 48”, Rebar, Precast truck wheel stops, RCP Pipe 18” & 48” RCP & appurtenances, Staff gage boards, Tapered curb inlet, Toe drain weir vault, Tree Pruning, Video Inspection, Water Truck, Trucking.
Skanska USA Civil West California District Inc. is soliciting in Good Faith all subcontractors and suppliers as well as CUCP certified DBE subcontractors and suppliers related to the scopes of work listed.
BID DUE DATE: April 21, 2025 @ 11:00 AM
(1 day prior, Quotes not received by this date may not be reviewed/evaluated)
Please submit your bids to Estimating:
Plans & Specs can be accessed and download from:
General Work Description: The project consists of constructing embankment buttresses and riprap, modifying spillway walls and invert, reconstructing the outlet tower, constructing new intake structures and a control building, reconstructing existing and constructing new access roads, and constructing site drainage and access enhancements at the Santa Anita Debris Dam in the Cities of Arcadia and Monrovia.
Requirements: Skanska is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is requesting quotes from all qualified subcontractors and suppliers. Skanska will assist qualified subcontractors and suppliers in obtaining bonding, lines of credit, insurance, necessary equipment, materials and/or supplies. To assist DBE subcontractors and suppliers, we will divide total requirements into smaller packages, tasks or quantities and establish delivery and construction schedules which will permit maximum participation when feasible. If you are a DBE Company, please provide your certification letter with your proposal. If you are a non-DBE, we encourage you to subcontract to 2nd Tier DBEs and please indicate all lower-tier participation in your quotation as it will be evaluated with your price. Subcontracting Requirements: Skanska’s insurance requirements are Commercial General Liability (GL): $1M ea. occ., $1M personal injury, $2M products and completed operations agg. and general agg.; $1M Auto Liability; $5M Excess/Umbrella and $1M Workers Comp. Endorsements and waivers required are the Additional Insured End., Primary Wording End., and a Waiver of Subrogation (GL & WC). Other insurance requirements may be necessary per the scope or RFP requirement. Subcontractors may be required to furnish performance and payment bonds in the full amount of their subcontract by an admitted surety and subject to approval by Skanska. Quotations must be valid for the same duration as specified by the Owner for contract award. Conditions or exceptions in Subcontractor’s quote are expressly rejected unless accepted in writing. Skanska is signatory to the Operating Engineers, Laborers, Cement Masons, and Carpenters Unions. Subcontractors must provide weekly, one original and one copy of all certified payrolls, including non-performance and fringe benefit statements if required by law or by the Prime Contract. All Contractors and Subcontractors must be registered with the DIR (Department of Industrial Relations). Include CSLB License Number and DIR Number on All Quotes Submitted.
Skanska USA Civil West California District is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer EEO/AA/Vet/Disability Employer
Estimating Department: 1995 Agua Mansa Rd, Riverside, CA 92509
Phone: (951) 684-5360 | Lead Estimator: Frank Smith |Email:
Copyright © 2025, DBE GoodFaith, Inc. All rights reserved.