Rajarshi Oza
Fernando Pacheco
21 Hegenberger Court
Oakland, CA 94621
(510) 792-1727
(510) 792-1728
Green Island Road Reconstruction and Widening Project
City of American Canyon
American Canyon, Napa County, CA
04/08/2025 at 02:00
Redgwick Construction Co. is soliciting quotes from certified WBE/MBE Subcontractors, Material Suppliers, and Trucking. Sub-bid requested include, but are not limited to, the following work: Lead Compliance Plan, Construction Areas Signs, Traffic Control, Barricades, Temp Striping, Channelizers, K-Rail, Crash Cushion, WPCP, Erosion Control, Temp Fence, Clear and Grub, Tree Removal, Roadway Excavation, Pavement Fabric, Backflow, Water Meter, Bio Retention, Hydroseed, Base Rock, FDR Cement, Mix Design FDR, AC /HMA Paving, Asphalt Emulsion, Demo Base and Surfacing, Drain Inlets, Minor Concrete work, Retaining Wall, Underground work, Demo Concrete, Adjust Utilities to Finished Grade, Misc. Iron and Steel, Relocate Fire Hydrants, Water Service, Fence Removal, Pavement Marking/Striping/ Thermoplastic, Signs/ Sign Removal, Object Marker, Electrical/Street Lights, Irrigation.
Redgwick Construction Co. is an Equal Opportunity Employer and will work with any interested subcontractor to identify opportunities to break items into any economically feasible packages. We welcome quotes from qualified Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Women Business Enterprises (WBE), Small Business Enterprises (SBE), Disadvantaged Businesses, Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises (DVBE) and other entities defined as socially and/or economically disadvantaged.
Please contact Redgwick's estimating department @ 510-792-1727 if you need assistance obtaining bonding, insurance, equipment, materials, and/or supplies. Redgwick will reimburse all BE's for the full amount of the bond cost. All Redgwick equipment are made available to BE's at our own internal rental rates. Plans and specifications are made available on our website @ www.redgwick.com Redgwick intends to work cooperatively with all qualified firms seeking work on this project. All work scopes listed above can be performed partially by subcontractors. Redgwick will also subcontract work that it normally performs
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