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City of High Point to conduct disparity study
Published on 08/05/2024

The City of High Point is in the process of conducting a disparity study into the experiences of minority, women, and disadvantaged business enterprises (MWDBEs) in doing, or attempting to do, business with the City. The study is currently expected to be delivered in 2025.

The study is currently expected to examine a five-to-seven year period of the City's contract records preceding 2024, and, if disparities should be found between the City's utilization of MWDBEs and their availability in the area, make recommendations on remedying the disparity. The recommendations can form part of the legal basis on which the remedies are implemented.

The study's methods include data gathering from the City's records, anecdotal interviews with local businesses and stakeholders, surveys, and the solicitiation of public comment, both by means of email and by public meetings.

The City's MWBE coordinator, Cynthia Barnes, stated that some "minor modifications" to the City's bid solicitation documents have already been made in anticipation of larger changes that the study might recommend.

Find the City's page for the disparity study at https://highpointdisparitystudy.com/.

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