Published on 02/07/2025
<p>The New York State Legislature is considering a bill that was recently introduced by State Assembly Member J. Gary Pretlow, which would create a new small business development program in the state.<br /><br />The bill, Assembly Bill 4722 for the 2025-2026 Regular Session, would give the State of New York the authority to establish a small business development program, which would be able to designate contracts (those which are not federally funded) as set aside for businesses enrolled in the small business development program. The dollar amount thresholds for eligible contracts would be those under $1.5 million, for businesses in the first five years of their enrollment of the program; and those under $5 million, for a subsequent five-year period, for small businesses that were enrolled in and successfully completed contracts during their first five years in the program.<br /><br />The bill would define a "small business" eligible for the program as one with annual revenues under $10 million, and would allow for the program to establish additional criteria, as well as setting different criteria based on industry conditions, along the lines of the criteria established by the U.S. Small Business Administration for loans to small businesses, among other conditions. The bill would also allow the program to assist small businesses that have won a contract under its provisions with obtaining bonding and insurance, as well other forms of technical assistance and training.<br /><br />The bill specifies that, if passed, contracts awarded under the program in its initial year should amount to not less than $10 million in aggregate value, and not more thann $100 million in aggregate value. Currently the bill has been referred to the Assembly's Standing Committee on Corporations, Authorities and Commissions.<br /><br />Find the bill at, or at</p>